Im März 2019 wurde öffentlich bekannt, dass Prinz Jean-Christophe Napoléon, Sohn von Prinz Charles Napoléon und Prinzessin Béatrice von Bourbon-bei-Sizilien, sich mit Gräfin Olympia von Arco-Zinneberg, Tochter von Graf Riprand von Arco-Zinneberg und Erzherzogin Maria Beatrix von Österreich, verlobt hatte. Jean-Christophe und Olympia sind seit einigen Jahren liiert. Der Prinz hatte der Gräfin im Januar 2019 in der Schweiz einen Heiratsantrag gemacht. Jean-Christophes Großmutter, die Prinzessinnenwitwe Napoléon, lebt in der Schweiz in Prangins.
Prinz Jean-Christophe folgte seinem Großvater als Prinz Napoleon, Oberhaupt des Kaiserhauses Frankreich. Gräfin Olympia ist eine Urenkelin von Kaiser Karl und Kaiserin Zita.
Jean-Christophe wurde am 11. Juli 1986 in Saint-Raphaël, Var, als zweites Kind und einziger Sohn von Prinz Charles Napoléon (geb. 1950) und Prinzessin Béatrice von Bourbon-beides-Sizilien (geb. 1950) geboren. Jean-Christophe hatte eine ältere Schwester, Prinzessin Caroline (geb. 1980). Charles und Béatrice verärgerten ihre jeweiligen Eltern, den Prinzen und die Prinzessin Napoléon sowie den Herzog und die Herzogin von Castro, indem sie 1978 eine standesamtliche Trauung eingingen und auf eine römisch-katholische Zeremonie verzichteten.
Die Ehe der Eltern von Jean-Christophe endete 1989. Als sein Vater Charles 1996 eine geschiedene Bürgerliche heiratete, änderte sein Vater Louis (1914-1997) sein Testament, um seinen Enkel zum Erben des französischen Kaiserhauses zu machen. Prinzessin Béatrice wurde 1997 bei der Beerdigung von Prinz Louis von ihrer ehemaligen Schwiegermutter Prinzessin Alix (geb. 1926) als Mutter des Oberhaupts des Kaiserhauses empfangen. Jean-Christophe spricht fließend Französisch, Englisch und Spanisch. 2017 schloss er einen MBA an der Harvard Business School ab. Seitdem lebt der Prinz in London, wo er auch arbeitet.
Gräfin Olympia von Arco-Zinneberg, die Verlobte von Prinz Jean-Christophe Napoléon, wurde 1988 in München als dritte Tochter von Graf Riprand von Arco-Zinneberg (geb. 1955) und Erzherzogin Maria Beatrix von Österreich (geb. 1954) geboren. Riprand und Maria Beatrix heirateten 1980 und wurden Eltern von sechs Töchtern: Anna Theresa (geb. 1981), Margherita (geb. 1983), Olympia (geb. 1988), Maximiliana (geb. 1990), Marie-Gabrielle (geb. 1992) und Giorgiana (geb. 1997). Die Familie lebte zwischen Deutschland und den Vereinigten Staaten, wo Riprand geschäftliche Interessen verfolgt.
Olympia graduated from Yale University in 2011 with a B.A. in Political Science. The countess went on to Columbia University in the City of New York, where she emerged in 2015 with a M.A. in Art History. Olympia played on the hockey teams of both Yale and Columbia. While at Yale, she was featured in a university publication wherein she elaborated on her educational experiences: “I am from Austria. I’ve also lived in Germany and Connecticut. I went to boarding school in the United Kingdom and took my gap year in Shanghai, China. Since coming to Yale, I did the Yale-Peking University program during my spring semester sophomore year. Next fall I will spend the semester in Paris.” It was during this Paris sejourn that the countess and the prince made one another’s acquaintance.
On Jean Christophe’s paternal side, he is a descendant of many illustrious dynasties, other than the House of NapolĂ©on. His father’s paternal grandparents were: Prince Victor NapolĂ©on, son of Prince NapolĂ©on (also known as Plon-Plon) and of his wife Princess Clothilde of Savoy (both her mother and paternal grandmother were Habsburgs); and ClĂ©mentine of Belgium, youngest daughter of King Leopold II and of his Austrian wife, the former Archduchess Marie Henriette. Prince NapolĂ©on’s parents were Prince JerĂ´me, youngest brother of Emperor NapolĂ©on, and Princess Catherine of WĂĽrttemberg. As a descendant of King Leopold II, Jean-Christophe has ties to the Coburg dynasty.
The Coburgs also provide a genealogical link sweeten Jean-Christophe and Olympia. Emperor Karl, her great-grandfather, was the son of Princess Maria Josepha of Saxony, whose parents were King Georg of Saxony and his wife, Infanta Maria Anna of Portugal. She, in turn, was the daughter of Queen Maria II and of her second husband King Consort Ferdinand, born a Prince of of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha (Kohary line). Ferdinand of Coburg was a first cousin of King Leopold II of the Belgians.
Olympia is also related to the Habsburg and Wittelsbach dynasties through her father, Count Riprand. His maternal grandmother was Princess Gundelinde of Bavaria, youngest child of King Ludwig III and his wife Maria Theresa, née Austria-Este. Her mother was Archduchess Elisabeth of Austria, an older sister of Archduchess Marie Henriette, consort of King Leopold II.
Furthermore, the Counts of Arco-Zinneberg are descendants of Archduchess Leopoldina (1776-1768), who in 1795 married the aged Karl Theodor, Elector of Bavaria, Count Palatine of the Rhine (1724-1799). Upon his death, Leopoldina remained living in Munich, where in November 1804 she married a Bavarian aristocrat, Count Ludwig von Arco (1773-1856). They had several children, among them Count Maximilian (1811-1885), who married Countess Leopoldina von Waldburg zu Zeil u. Trauchburg (1811-1886). They in turn were the parents of Countess Christiane von Arco-Zinneberg (1852-1923), who in 1878 married Count Konrad von Preysing-Lichtenegg-Moos (1843-1903). Their third son was Count Johann-Georg (1887-1924), who in 1919 married as his second wife (his first wife Countess Anna von Lerchfeld died in 1916) Princess Gundelinde of Bavaria. Their youngest child, Countess Maria-Theresia’s second husband was Count Ulrich-Philipp von Arco-Zinneberg. Their son Riprand is the father of Countess Olympia.
Count Riprand also descends from Archduchess Leopoldina through his father, Count Ulrich-Philipp (1917-1980). He was the son of Count Joseph von Arco-Zinneberg (1881-1924) and of his wife Princess Wilhelmina of Auersperg (1884-1919), who died in childbirth. Count Joseph was the son of Count Ludwig von Arco-Zinneberg (1840-1882) and of his second wife Princess Josephine of Lobkowicz (1853-1898). Count Ludwig, an older brother of Countess Christiane, who we mentioned in the previous paragraph, was therefore a grandchild of Archduchess Leopoldina.
Her mother, Archduchess Maria Beatrix, is the daughter of Archduke Robert of Austria-Este, second son of Emperor Karl and Empress Zita, and of the former Princess Margherita of Savoy-Aosta, eldest daughter of the 3rd Duke of Aosta and of his wife, Princess Anne of Orléans, a sister of the Count of Paris (1908-1999).
The Savoy connection also provides a common link between Jean-Christophe and Olympia, as her grandfather, the 3rd Duke of Aosta was a grandson of Amadeo, 1st Duke of Aosta (and former King of Spain), a brother of Princess Clothilde of Savoy, mother of Prince Victor Napoléon.
One of Olympia’s cousins is Archduke Amadeo, eldest son of Archduke Lorenz and of Princess Astrid of Belgium, only daughter of King Albert II and Queen Paola. This line also connects Jean-Christophe and Olympia as Albert II was the youngest son of of Prince Philippe of Belgium, brother of King Leopold II. Another brother of Maria Beatrix is Archduke Martin, who is married to Princess Katharina of Isenburg, sister of the Dowager FĂĽrstin of Wied, the FĂĽrst of Isenburg, and Princess Sophie of Prussia, wife of Prince Georg Friedrich, Head of the House of Hohenzollern.
Es gibt unzählige weitere Verbindungen zwischen Jean-Christophe und Olympia. Zumindest die von uns aufgelisteten sollten dem Leser klar machen, dass es sich hier einfach um eine erhabene und schöne Verbindung zwischen zwei modernen jungen Menschen handelt, die ein uraltes Erbe mit sich tragen. Alle, die die Ereignisse der kaiserlichen und königlichen Familien Europas verfolgen, werden sich zweifellos darauf freuen, Bilder von dem Tag zu sehen, an dem dieses schöne Paar den Bund der Ehe eingeht.
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