Am 12. September 2021 trafen Seine Hoheit der Zarewitsch und Großfürst Georg von Russland und seine Verlobte Victoria Romanowna Bettarini auf Einladung Seiner Eminenzen Metropolit Varsonofii von St. Petersburg und Ladoga in St. Petersburg, der nördlichen Hauptstadt Russlands, ein, um an Gottesdiensten anlässlich des 800. Geburtstags des Heiligen Alexander Newski und des Festtags der Überführung seiner heiligen Reliquien aus der Stadt Wladimir nach St. Petersburg im Jahr 1724 teilzunehmen. Der Großfürst und seine Verlobte wurden von Kirill Kirillowitsch Nemirowitsch-Dantschenko begleitet, dem Leiter des Büros für Beziehungen zu Regierungs- und Zivilorganisationen in der Kanzlei des Russischen Zarenhauses.
Der Großherzog und Victoria Romanovna Bettarini nahmen an der Göttlichen Liturgie in der Dreifaltigkeitskathedrale im Alexander-Newski-Kloster teil, die von Seiner Heiligkeit Patriarch Kirill von Moskau und ganz Russland zelebriert wurde.
Mit Seiner Heiligkeit zelebrierten Ihre Eminenzen Metropolit Vladimir von Kischinau und ganz Moldawien, Metropolit Vikentii von Taschkent und Usbekistan, Metropolit Varsonofii von St. Petersburg und Ladoga, Metropolit Pavel von Krutitsky und Kolomna, Metropolit Ilarion von Wolokolamsk, Metropolit Veniamin von Minsk und Zaslavsk, Metropolit Dionisii von Voskresensk, Metropolit Feodor von Wolgograd und Kamyschin, Metropolit Aleksei von Tscheljabinsk und Miass, Erzbischof Nikanor von Süd-Sachalin und den Kurilen, der Abt der Lawra, Seine Exzellenz Bischof Nazarii von Kronstadt, und die Mönchsbrüder, Ihre Exzellenz Bischof Ignatii von Wyborg und Priozersk, Bischof Mstislav von Tichwin und Lodeinoe Pole, Bischof Mitrofan von Gatschina und Luga, Bischof Silouan von Lyskovo und Lukoyanov, Bischof Silouan von Peterhof, sowie Erzpriester Bogdan Soiko, Sergei Kuksevich, Vladimir Sorokin, Gennadii Bartov, Alexander Budnikov, Gennadii Zverev, Evgenii Shogenov und Alexander Rumiantsev, Archimandrite Aleksei (Ganzhin), Hegumen Filaret (Priashnikov) und andere Geistliche aus St. Petersburg und Moskau.
Among the laity attending the service were the Chair of the Federation Council, Valentina Matvienko; the Plenipotentiary of the President of the Russian Federation in the Northwest Federal District, Alexander Gutsan; the Governor of St. Petersburg, Alexander Beglov; the Governor of the Leningrad Region, Alexander Drozdenko; the First Deputy Minister of Culture of the Russian Federation, Sergei Obryvalin; the Chair of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg, Vyacheslav Makarov; and the Mayor of Belgrade (Serbia), Zoran Radojičić.
The Grand Duke and his bride received the Holy Mysteries of Christ and, after the conclusion of the Divine Liturgy, took part in the Patriarchal Procession of the Cross, during which the chest with the relics of the Holy Right-Believing Grand Prince Alexander Nevsky was brought into the square in front of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra. An intercessory prayer service, or moleben, followed.
In the afternoon, the Tsesarevich George of Russia and Miss Victoria Romanovna Bettarini attended a reception at the residence of the Metropolitan of St. Petersburg and Ladoga, where the Grand Duke and his fiancée had the opportunity to chat with His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia.
His Imperial Highness congratulated the First Hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church on this important anniversary and feast day, and took the opportunity formally to introduce his fiancée to His Holiness. The Patriarch congratulated the Grand Duke and Victoria Romanovna on their upcoming marriage ceremony, and offered them his blessing and best wishes.
Later the Tsesarevich and Victoria Romanovna went to the St. Nicholas-Holy Epiphany Naval Cathedral of St. Petersburg, where they took part in the ceremony of the translation to this cathedral of a fragment of the relics of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker of Myra in Lycia, which came to Russia from Bari through the efforts of the famous philanthropist Prince V. N. Svirsky-Zhimirov. After a moleben, the Grand Duke and Victoria Romanovna Bettarini venerated the chest with the relics and thanked Prince V. N. Svirsky-Zhimirov for his service to the Russian Orthodox Church.
Throughout the day, Grand Duke George met and spoke with many of his countrymen who had traveled to St. Petersburg from all over Russia to attend these celebrations. They warmly expressed their sincerest best wishes on the upcoming wedding and recalled their meetings and conversations with the Grand Duke’s mother, the Head of the Russian Imperial House, H.I.H. The Grand Duchess Maria of Russia, during her many trips to different regions of our homeland.
That evening, after attending a working meeting, the Grand Duke George of Russia and Miss Victoria Bettarini returned to Moscow.
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